Note any opinion stated in this series of posts are mine and mine alone

The first thing you need to know, I am ill-equipped to talk about being a manager. I realize that this is a horrible way to start a multi-part series about management. I have been a manager for 3 years and though I am starting to transition out of the role and into a more development oriented role; being a manager has been the most rewarding and difficult role I have taken. Over the next…many posts I hope to describe my thoughts on management and what I have learned. I don’t think I am an amazing manager but I do believe I am adequate.

A few things first, why am I writing this? Simply because years from now I can look back at myself and see how naive I was. Secondly why not. If this offers some help, in either goods thing to try or pitfalls to avoid to someone. Then it is worth it.

First of all, stop reading my blog and read every article at Rands in Repose. You will learn far more by reading his EXCELLENT blog.

I can wait a few hours.


OK, now I am going to spoil the ending.

Treat people like people. They are flawed just like you. Understand them and always be an advocate for them.