Dungeons and Dragons and why I love FoundryVTT

FoundryVTT has changed how the groups I play with consume DnD and Pathfinder.
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Starting Neovim

Ten years ago I was an emacs guy, but since then I haven’t used a command line text editor daily. If I log into a remote machine I will usually use nano to make any small edits. After doing some code pairing with someone using Neovim I decided to give it a try. My setup is based around golang development and trying to get the closest I can to my GoLand setup.
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Grafana - 2 months in

I have been at Grafana for roughly 2 months and so far its been a fantastic learning opportunity. For the past 15 years of my career I have worked in large scale enterprise to enterprise solutions doing closed work in the dotnet ecosystem. At Grafana I am working on an open source project Grafana Agent, in Golang with nary a SQL database in sight. It is fantastic to put it mildly.
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Go - A new language

New job with Grafana that will require me to use a new language, Go. Granted I played with Go about 4 years ago but that wasn’t really a deep dive. Instead I am taking the month between my old job and new to do a deep dive into Go! Really excited about both the new job and learning a new language. I have picked up pieces here and there but the last language I really tried to learn was Typescript and I was only fair at doing that.
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Time Series - Playing Around

Goofing off and playing with Time Series Concepts
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LimeLeague: Current Status

Why building a product from scratch is harder than I thought
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Too much stuff

The problem I get invested in the act of buying something. Let’s say I decide I want an MP3 player, I don’t just google for 5 minutes and select the best one in the range I want. No I research, I research the tiers of MP3 players, watch youtube, look at forums, learn the technology, and dig into the feature set. Once I have spent far to many hours into researching something I start to feel invested in the product and suddenly not only does my urge to buy increase, but also the cost at which I am willing to go.
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LimeLeague is built on top of a dotnet core framework Orleans. Why? One, I wanted to try something new. Two, I wanted to be able to use Google DataStore in a safe manner without any manual locking. I had been flirting with various actor frameworks for a few years. Orleans, proto.actor and Akka.net, each one came with it’s pros and cons and I gave each of them a whirl. I originally chose proto.
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CodeName: LimeLeague - Inception

The beginning It is a codename for a project currently working on, basically a Sports League application. Apologies on the poor writing, this is more of an exercise in writing more often. Lime League started has Slate Bench software for lawyers. Over an excellent dinner one night a friend and I decided to go into together and create an application to help him with coaching. I took my basic carcass of Slate Bench and started altering it to fit the concept of leagues and players and teams.
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SlateBench - UI choices

UI Choices are hard For slate bench I always knew the type of things I wanted the UI to do. Workflow based No Edit User, instead do ChangeAddress, ChangeName ect. Avoid Dark Patterns Ad Networks Javascript not related to business needs Newsletters that auto-sign you up What was really hard has been figuring out what to use. I come from experience of Angular. I knew I didn’t want to use Angular.
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